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华黎民乐 Huali Music Instrument Co.

四代传人 - 家族传承手工乐器制作工艺

Four Generations - family inherited music instrument craftsmanship


Located in Datuan Township of Shanghai Pudong District


The earliest music instrument shop in Shanghai was Ma Zheng Xing Music Shop located near Chenghuang Temple. It was established in Qing Dynasty during years of Daoguang. Datuan Township music instrument crafting could be traced back to end of Qing dynasty. According to a 94-year-old elderly in Datuan Township, Tang Li Yun's past generations have long been crafting music instruments such as Erhu, Guzheng, Pipa, and more. The craftsmanship was inherited by Tang Li Yun and his students, this family tradition had a history of over 100 years across four generations. 

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