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上海华黎民族乐器厂始建于上世纪90年代,是上海民族乐器制作第一家私营企业。主要生产古筝, 二胡, 琵琶。获批“非物质文化遗产”传承。华黎一直严格采用传统手工制作工艺, 质量稳定。高音甜美清亮,低音醇厚,整体音色干净扎实,过度均匀,共鸣强。由于是手工制作, 产量低, 因此一直以来专门为专业老师和学校供货,同时也接受定制乐器的需求。近年受到学生和老师们的强烈要求,华黎民乐逐步扩大经营范围,走入了大众视野

Shanghai Huali Musical Instrument Co. was established in the 1990s. It was the very first private-owned traditional music instrument company in Shanghai. Huali focuses mainly on making Guzheng, Erhu, and Pipa. It has received the honor of "Intangible Cultural Heritage." Huali has always followed the traditional crafting practices, with high consistency in quality. The sound characteristics overall is very clean and solid, treble being sweet and clear but not harsh, midrange being full and warm, bass being rich and deep. Huali guzhengs have very solid and strong resonance and very smooth transition between different frequency ranges. Due to the nature of being hand-made, Huali's production volume is low, and hence has been mostly providing their instruments for professional institutions and teachers, as well as custom orders. In recently years, due to high demand from teachers and students, Huali is gradually expanding their reach to the general public. 
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